April 14, 2023
Elevator Testing Schedule
Posted in: Announcements
The following campus building elevators are scheduled for testing and will not be available for some period of time between 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on the dates listed below;
Montclair Campus:
Monday, 3/24: Yogi Berra Stadium chair lift, Cali School of Music platform lift, Freeman Hall
Thursday, 3/27: Frank Sinatra Hall, Softball Stadium
Thursday, 4/10: Machuga Heights, University Hall
Monday, 4/14: Dinallo Heights, Alexander Kasser Theater
Thursday, 4/17: Center for Environmental and Life Studies
Bloomfield Campus:
Monday, 3/31: Chair lifts at various buildings
Monday, 4/7: 460 Franklin (BLFD)
Please note, these dates are subject to change.
More dates will be added as they become available.