Honoring Emeriti Faculty – October 2018
Posted in: Emeriti

Emeriti Faculty Luncheon Recap
Six faculty members became emeriti faculty during the October 26 Montclair State University Board of Trustees meeting where their resolutions were approved. Five of the six were present and were honored at a luncheon immediately following the meeting. The luncheon was attended by 28 emeriti faculty, guests and University administrators.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Willard Gingerich acknowledged the emeriti faculty in attendance and thanked them for their years of service as advocates and ambassadors for the University’s educational mission. The five new emeriti faculty in attendance were Professors emeriti Mark L. Berenson, Karen D. Goodman, William Robert Parzynski, Ana Maria Villegas and Shahla Mozayani Wunderlich.
Following Provost Gingerich, former Vice President for University Advancement Jack Shannon offered his remarks and thanked our emeriti for their ongoing support to the University. Shannon also announced his new role as Vice President for Strategic Alliances, Economic Development and Civic Partnerships and acknowledged Colleen Coppla, the new Vice President for Development at Montclair State. He concluded his speech by introducing Soar, The Campaign for Montclair State University. Shannon emphasized how the efforts of emeriti to spread the word and to continue participating as donors is critical to the success of the University.
Danielle Insalaco-Egan, Associate Dean for Academic Planning and Enrollment for University College, took the podium to introduce and give a presentation on the University’s newest college. Insalaco-Egan described University College as an innovative academic home for students where they can pursue the interests that will launch academic and career success.
Emeriti faculty are an integral part of the campus community and help contribute educational advantages to the University, including their own successes within the field. They help shape alumni and current students with the scholarly resources they have provided throughout their time at Montclair State.
We invite you to view photos from the luncheon. The Office of the Provost and Division of Development look forward to continuing to host events and activities for emeriti faculty at Montclair State. For more information, contact Jenna Villani, Office of Alumni Engagement, at 973-655-7872 or villanij@ballballu.com.
Please join us in congratulating our newest inductees as Professors emeriti! Below you can read some of the focal points of their careers at Montclair State, including their years devoted to the college, published scholarly articles and books, awards and achievements.
Professor Mark L. Berenson
Department of Information Management and Business Analytics
Feliciano School of Business
Professor Mark L. Berenson served Montclair State University for 16 years. He served as a professor of Business Statistics and contributed to advancing University and national interest in the teaching of statistics. His publications include numerous leading textbooks in the field of business statistics, as well as invited presentations and editorial leadership in the discipline.
Professor Robert Browning
Department of Art and Design
College of the Arts
Professor Robert Browning served Montclair State University for 45 years. He acted as the Program Coordinator for the Jewelry and Metalworking Concentration within the Department of Art & Design. During his time at the University, Browning was a valued instructor, advisor and contributor to curricular development over many years. Professor Browning held positions as visiting professor and lecturer in Europe in highly prestigious programs and served as co-leader at the Annual International Student Workshops at The College of Art and Design in Lodz, Poland. His work was displayed in many art shows throughout Europe and elsewhere, making a significant impact on his many students and professionals in the fields of jewelry and metalworking.
Professor Karen D. Goodman
John J. Cali School of Music
College of the Arts
Professor Goodman served Montclair State University for 40 years. She took on the role as the coordinator of Montclair State’s programs in Music Therapy for two decades, mentoring music therapy students while developing and enhancing their skills as musicians and clinicians. Goodman conducted research-based clinical work in child and adult psychiatry and neurodevelopmental disabilities at facilities in New York and New Jersey. She lectured in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Israel, Korea, Norway, the United Kingdom and the United States presenting issues relevant to clinical techniques, group music therapy, music and poetry, and supervision and education of music therapists. Her work has been widely published and distributed in more than 70 countries through conference proceedings, on-line commentary, peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and three books.
Professor William Robert Parzynski
Department of Mathematical Sciences
College of Science and Mathematics
Professor William Robert Parzynski served Montclair State University for 50 years. He has taught a wide range of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, served as Graduate Program Coordinator for 16 years and was integral to the development of the department’s Assessment Procedures and Guidelines. Since its inception, Parzynski has continued to participate in the department’s assessment. He has actively served on numerous committees and as Associate Department Chair. In 2005, he was honored with the Outstanding Service Award from the College of Science and Mathematics. Professor Parzynski published an advanced mathematical analysis textbook that was used in the United States and in other countries for over 32 years. He also conducted research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, receiving the New Technology Award from NASA.
Professor Ana Maria Villegas
Department of Secondary and Special Education
College of Education and Human Services
Professor Ana Maria Villegas served Montclair State University for 22 years. She taught numerous courses during her tenure and served as Director of the PhD Program in Teacher Education and Teacher Development from its creation until her retirement. Villegas also coordinated the Assessment System for Candidates in the Montclair State Initial Teacher Preparation Program, served as NCATE Coordinator and was instrumental in the development of the College’s thematic document Portrait of a Teacher. Over the years, she has published many articles, technical reports, book chapters, four books and edited volumes including the seminal Educating culturally responsive teachers: A coherent approach. She has been a sought-after presenter and panel participant and has routinely testified for policy makers. Professor Villegas exemplifies Portrait of a Teacher from her beginnings as a New York City public school teacher, to her time as a senior research scientist at the Educational Testing Service and culminating in the 22 years she has spent at Montclair State University mentoring teachers and faculty.
Professor Shahla Mozayani Wunderlich
Department of Nutrition and Food Studies
College of Education and Human Services
Professor Shahla Mozayani Wunderlich served Montclair State University for 30 years. She developed the Graduate Program in Nutrition and Food Science, the Dietetic Internship and served as the Graduate Program Coordinator from 1994 until her retirement. In 2003, Wunderlich received a Montclair State University Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Award. The following year, in 2004, she was honored with a College of Education and Human Services Recognition Award. Professor Wunderlich received a Department of Health and Human Services Nutrition Support Grant valued at over $1,000,000 that employed many Montclair State students and staff to educate older adults in Hudson County on the benefits of good nutrition and exercise. Over the years, she has published over 50 articles in scientific journals and books; made numerous scientific presentations around the world on applied nutrition and well-being; and became a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and an advisor to leading publishers in the field of nutrition. In March 1996, she was honored with the American Dietetic Association, Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award.